Some Loops affiliate program

Become an affiliate and promote our Some Loops bands while earning from every sale!

How the affiliate program works

When you become an affiliate, we'll provide you with a personal affiliate link. You can put the affiliate link on your website or social networks and refer. Once a new user visits and buys Some Loops products via your affiliate link, our system instantly identifies that they’ve come from you and makes your sales visible in your personal affiliate program account. 

Tracking cookies  

Cookies are a tracking tool of your generated traffic users. They are set to 30 days active tracking. That is more than enough to make sure your traffic is tracked and sales are calculated correctly. 

Cut from revenue

Percentage of revenue is negotiated and depends on your traffic quality and the work that you are willing to put in. It also depends on how quickly you can increase value of the product and generate sales. Payouts for affiliates start from 5%. There is 100 USD payment threshold. 

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Affiliate dashboard

We'll provide you with a special affiliate dashboard where you can monitor your traffic purchases and the subsequent payments to you. You’ll also receive marketing materials that you can use to successfully promote and sell Some Loops. 

Sign up now!